Wednesday, July 25, 2012

BPO industry eyes stronger ties with P-Noy

The Business Process Association of the Philippines (BPAP) lauded President Benigno Aquino III for highlighting their industry as among the areas of positive growth in his recent State of the Nation Address (SONA).
The BPAP, the umbrella organization for the country's business process outsourcing or BPO industries, also cited “unprecedented levels of partnership” with the Aquino administration, particularly in the areas of manpower development and foreign investment opportunities.

In yesterday's SONA, President Aquino mentioned the BPO industry’s effects on the employment environment in the Philippines as it hired at least 638,000 people and generated around $11 billion (approximately P462 billion) in 2011.
Aquino further stated that by the time he steps down as President in 2016, there would be 1.3 million Filipinos employed and revenues would hit at least $25 billion, basing his expectations from the predictions of the Business Process Association of the Philippines (BPAP).
 In a phone interview, BPAP President and CEO Benedict Hernandez said the industry has been strongly supported by Aquino in the two years that he has been in office.
“There’s been unprecedented level of partnering with the government and it has resulted in a lot of growth. Every year it gets better and every year’s growth comes from the foundations built from the previous year.”
Hernandez cited the P500 million funding that Aquino set in 2011 to develop “near-hires”, or BPO applicants who initially did not pass the cut. These are types of applicants who only need to develop specific skill sets and be given an opportunity to work in the industry.
Another project is a 21-unit service management program in partnership with four colleges. “We just recently started the pilot test of the program and we’re hoping to develop more talent for high-level outsourced services,” Hernandez said.
The BPAP chief also stressed that while growth has remained positive, he noted that there are still some areas for improvement and continued expansion. He said that their talks with the Aquino government resulted in three key segments that need to be focused in the coming years.
One such area still remains to be talent development. He said that there is still huge demand for professional workers, especially for higher-level services. “Voice services remain strong for our industry but there are new types of services where we need specialists,” Hernandez said.
The other area is fiscal incentives for existing and new foreign investors allowing them to establish and expand their operations in the country.
Hernandez added they are expecting more government support to market the information technology BPO sector to other foreign markets. Countries such as Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and several other European countries are possible target for services by Philippine-based outsource companies.
“The challenge for us and for the government is sustaining this growth and we have to strengthen this partnership with the Philippine government,” Hernandez said.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Batman Visits Colorado Shooting Victims

Christian Bale arrived in Aurora, Colo., Tuesday to visit victims injured during Friday’s shooting at a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises. The Batman actor was seen at the Medical Center of Aurora, and hospital personnel were overheard saying he was talking to patients.

Petitions asking the actor to visit Aurora were posted on following Friday’s shooting. Over the weekend, Bale released a statement regarding the massacre, saying, “Words cannot express the horror that I feel. I cannot begin to truly understand the pain and grief of the victims and their loved ones, but my heart goes out to them.”

Christopher Nolan, who directed Bale in the latest Batman trilogy, released a statement Friday expressing his “profound sorrow at the senseless tragedy” that happened in Aurora. Anne Hathaway, who stars alongside Bale in The Dark Knight Rises, echoed their sentiments, saying, “My heart aches and breaks for the lives taken and altered by this unfathomably senseless act.”

Monday, July 23, 2012

How to be a perfect Employee

Been working all day?
Want to make your boss see you at your best?
Do you want to stand out among your colleagues?
I guess you should read this! :D 
Let me know if you'll get promoted! hahah

10.Never walk without a document -- People with documents look like hardworking employees headed to important meetings. People with nothing in their hands look like they're headed for the cafeteria. People with a newspaper in their hand look like they're headed for the toilet. BetWEEn , make sure you CARRY LOADS OF STUFF home with u at night, thus generating the false impression that you work longer hours than you really do.

9.Use computers to look busy-- Any time you use a computer, it looks like "work" to the casual observer. You can send and receive personal e-mail, chat and have a blast without doing anything remotely related to work. When you get caught by your boss , the best defense is to claim you're teaching yourself to use new software, thus saving valuable training dollars.

8.Messy desk -- only top management can get away with a clean desk. For the rest of us, it looks like we're not working hard enough. Build huge piles of documents around your workspace. PILE THEM HIGH AND WIDE.

7.Voice mail -- Never answer your phone if you have voice mail.Screen all your calls through voice mail. If somebody leaves a message for you and it sounds like impending work, RESPOND DURING LUNCH HOUR when you know they're not there -- it looks like you're hardworking and conscientious even though you're being a devious weasel.

6.Look impatient and annoyed -- SOmetimes ,the one who always try to look IMPATIENT AND ANNOYED to give off the impression that you're always busy.

5.Leave the office late-- Always leave the office late, especially when the boss is still around. You could read magazines and storybooks that you always wanted to read. Make sure you WALK PAST the boss' room on your way out. Send important e-mails at UNEARTHLY HOURS(i.e. 9:35pm, 7:05am, etc.) and during public holidays.

4.Creative sighing for effect -- SIGH LOUDLY when there are many people around, giving the impression that you are under extreme pressure.

3.Tacking Strategy -- It is not enough to pile lots of documents on the table. Put lots of books ON THE FLOOR TOOO

2.Build vocabulary -- Read up on some computer magazines and pick out all the JARGON AND QUOTES. Use the phrases freely when in conversation with bosses. Remember, they don't have to understand what you say, but you sure sound impressive.

1.Most important -- DONT forWard this to your boss by mistake!

re-post from : karmingk blogspot

Sunday, July 22, 2012

3rd State of the Nation UPDATE!

For blow by blow update from the 3rd SONA of President Aquino III please follow @blackpearl_inc

Metro Manila, Philippines as one of the most susceptible to flood in South East Asia

Metro Manila is the most populous of the twelve defined metropolitan areas in the Philippines and the11th most populous in the world. It is also ranked as one of the provinces in South East Asia most vulnerable to flooding according to Economy and Environment Program for East Asia (EEPSA), a Singapore research group based.  This is mainly because the city is situated on an isthmus bounded by Laguna de Bay to the south-east and Manila Bay to the west, opening to the South China Sea. Metro Manila area lies on a wide flood plain composed mainly of alluvial soil deposits.  For weather specialist like PAGASA it is mainly for the reason that Philippines is prone to the tail end of “cold front” that causes lots of rainfall in a year.

Lambert Ramirez, executive director of the National Institute for Policy Studies, a Manila-based think tank, says much of the blame for poor urban management ought to be levelled at the government.  Ramirez believes that there is no coordinated policy for cleaning up garbage and no political will to get even simple things done. Neeraj Jain, country specialist for Philippines at the Asian Development Bank (ADB) which is based in Manila said that it is a phenomenon that will affect many major cities in Asia, “Urbanization has been rapid, yet planning processes have lagged.”

READ MORE : Metro Manila, Philippines as one of the most susceptible to flood in South East Asia

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Work Hard, Party Harder!

Work Hard, Play Hard: A Yuppy's Guide

Coming out of college, many believe they have to abandon their wild past and join the workforce as responsible employees. They’re often surprised to find that there are just as many crazy young professionals, but with one important difference – they have the disposable income to do it right. For those of you working in sales or P.R., a little reckless socializing might come with the job. But for the rest of us, it can be a challenge to find the right balance between having a good time and keeping your job. Anyone can go crazy on the weekend, but it takes some skill to stay out until 4 am on a random Wednesday and do anything useful the next morning. There’s nothing worse than having every other person ask, “Late one last night?” So how can you truly work and play hard?

Stay Past Five
A few companies have introduced flex time as a way of adjusting the work day to their employee’s lifestyles. But even if you’re not technically allowed to come in later in the morning, getting work done at night may let you veg the next day until your head clears. You might, of course, have the kind of job where you’re already expected to stay late every night; you have our sympathy.
In this situation, the only thing to watch out for is that feeling that your life has been reduced to enjoying your countless vices and making the money you need to finance your countless vices.

Watch the Fighting
If you know you’re that kind of drunk, keep your ego in-check on the weeknights. Nothing gives you away like a nice black-eye or a two inch scratch on your face. If your coworkers know you at all, they’re not going to believe whatever colourful excuse you come up with, either. Other trophies to watch out for are semi-permanent hand stamps and anything your friends can do to you with a hair trimmer while you’re passed out.

In the Cup, Please
You might want to find out if your company is going to surprise you with a drug test. If this is a problem for you, you can either find a new job, a new hobby, or trust your future to the hundreds of techniques and products pitched online that claim to fool these tests.*

Happy Hour

Consider the opportunity that is happy hour. If you’re in the bag by seven, you still have time to get home (don’t drive, smart one) and get a full night’s sleep before your important meeting the next day. Unfortunately, this one doesn’t work so well if you’ve got anyone waiting for you at home – you’ve been warned! So get your friends together and find a local yuppy hangout for a little networking at the end of the day. 

Take it easy, Skippy
It’s hard to believe, but you don’t have to get completely wrecked every time you head out with your friends. If you make your night more about the people and less about the chemicals, you might find that you can still have a good time without a world of pain the next day.

I think I need a Nap
Nothing can improve how you feel during the day like a bit of sleep – even if it’s short. Falling asleep at your desk, however, is definitely not recommended. Life is all too often about image and this is a quick way to sabotage yours at work. Try taking your lunch out to the car and passing out there for a while.

Hit the Gym
People often claim that they need less sleep when they include some exercise in their life. The better shape you’re in, the more easily your body can recover from your abuse of it. This might also help with those extra pounds you’ve put on from all the drinking.

The final thing to remember is to watch how much partying you do with your actual coworkers. While getting to know your colleagues outside of work is not a bad thing, it really doesn’t take much to build a reputation. The dark circles under your bloodshot eyes may be enough for people at the office to speculate about how your night went, but being there to actually witness (and possibly photograph) your antics is completely different. While most would agree that this scene gets a little tired (and eventually just sad), it’s still a way of life for many young workers. If you can find the right balance, you’ll build your career without missing out on five perfectly good nights each week. 

* Use at your own risk (both the drugs and the test-busting gear)

Original Article Posted from: The Office Life

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How to avoid common office problems

When working in an office with other people you have to learn to get along, no one wants to be the odd person in the office. Here are some tips that will help you get along with your fellow co workers, and keep you on the boss's good side.

Noise is the number one complaint about workers to human resources. Many people think a cubicle is made of magical sound dampening materials, and that the sounds of a radio or talking on the telephone will not be herd outside the cubicle. Let me tell you people this is not the fact. Noise spreads outside a cubicle and can be herd by everyone in the office, including the supervisors and managers. If you are allowed to listen to a radio at work try doing it wearing headphones. Disturbing your co-workers is not the way to make friends and get ahead in the business world.

Talking Behind their Backs:
Getting caught talking about co workers behind their backs is the most common cause of hostile environment lawsuit. This is why many companies will immediately fire someone who is found to be talking about the other people in the company to cover themselves from being sued. My advice is to keep what you hear or see to yourself.

Non Company Correspondences:
In the last 15 years it has become common for employees to have access to the internet at each employee's desk. Employees have taken advantage of this to the point that it would be imposable to fire every worker who was caught emailing friends during the work day. This does not mean that you should take advantage of this and spend all day on your personal email. Remember be fair to the company and it will usually be fair to you. Don’t expect to get a raise or promotion when you spend several hours at your desk online with non work related things.

Work is Not a Social Event:
It is one thing to be away from your desk for a business related reason, but no boss is going to put up with a worker who is always at someone else's desk or hanging around the break room. This will make a boss think they are paying you for nothing and you will son find yourself in the unemployment line.

When I used to work in an office I often had to work thru my lunch and eat at my desk to get things done on time. As much as I hated to have to do it what was I going to do things have to get done on time. When this happens to you make sure the food you bring into the office is overly aromatic. The last thing you want is for someone to make a complaint to human resources, because you had some food in the office that bothered someone. This may seem silly, but trust me I have seen this happen.

Try to remember that people in the office do not want to smell you, so before you pour on the perfume or cologne before going to work remember that some people are very sensitive to smells and do not want to get a headache because of you.

Pimp my Cubicle:
Many people want their cubicles to reflect their personality, and they will put up pictures and jokes and little knick knacks. The problem with this is that it does not look professional when outsiders visit the office, to have a few pictures on your desk is one thing but to have a small aquarium or collectables on your desk may be a bit much for any office. Before sprucing up your cubicle make sure to run it by the supervisor. You would not want to get a letter from human resources for having inappropriate items on your desk.

Watching the way you act and being courteous to your fellow workers can make a difference between having a career with the possibility of raises and promotions or a dead end job.

article from: 1888 articles

Makati celebrates the 3rd gender and development week July 15-21, 2012

With a theme : A Gender Responsive Approach to People's Health: Key to Empowered and Productive Citizenry.

Living or working within Makati? go to the nearest barangay halls to avail the on going projects in your area.

For more details visit: Gender and Development Council


At work you all need this! 
so stay humble, respectful and of course keep your attitude in a low profile.

US Embassy Career

United States Embassy is currently looking for employees. Are you fit to work here? Try this out!

The United States Embassy in Manila is one of America’s largest overseas posts, housing 27 agencies staffed by both Americans and Filipino national employees.  The U.S. Mission in Manila provides equal opportunity and fair and equitable treatment in employment to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation, marital status, or sexual orientation.  The Department of State also strives to achieve equal employment opportunity in all personnel operations through continuing diversity enhancement programs.

For more details visit:

No more room for telecom growth in PH

With the unprecedented growth of the industry in the past few years, data from the World Bank showed that the Philippines is one of the countries that showed signs there may no longer be room for growth in the telecommunication sector.

In its latest report, titled “2012 Information and Communications for Development: Maximizing Mobile,” the Washington-based lender said the Philippines is also one of the countries where there are now more SIM cards than people.

“Around half of the countries are ‘stuck’ at a supply component value of 0.5; there are more SIM cards than people, but the share of mobile broadband is low,” the report stated.

Through a Mobile Analytical Tool, the report was able to analyze, on a country-by-country basis, the affordability and coverage of mobile networks or universality; the degree to which operators provide voice and advanced network services or supply; and the ownership and usage of mobile phones or demand.

Based on the analysis, it showed that the Philippines posted a score of 0.97 for universality in 2010; a score of 0.51 for supply; and a score of 0.43 for demand.

“As might be expected, there is a close relationship between the supply and demand categories. Outliers illustrate mismatches between supply and demand. For example, in China, the demand component [0.58] is higher than the supply component [0.35], suggesting further room for growth,” the report explained.

Data also showed that in the Philippines, some 99 percent of the population are covered by mobile-cellular networks. The report said that for every 100 people, there are 101 mobile subscriptions and around 96 percent of these subscriptions are prepaid.

Some 9.8 percent of the population use mobile Internet, while as many as 97 percent of mobile users are Short Message Service (SMS) users. The report said mobile costs account for only 5.9 percent of per capita gross national income.

Some members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean)—Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam—are in the same boat as the Philippines with high SIM card penetration and highly competitive mobile markets. Asean also groups Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos and Myanmar.

Meanwhile, with the high penetration of mobile use, text messaging contributed to the ouster of a president in the Philippines in 2001 and various money-transfer schemes.

Some 7 million text messages saying “Go 2 EDSA. Wear blk” sent encouraged a million Filipinos to flock to Edsa in January 2001. This forced the resignation of then-President Joseph Estrada, who was then tried and
found guilty by an Impeachment Court. Edsa is a major highway straddling a number of cities in Metro Manila.

In terms of e-wallets, the Philippines has Globe Cash (GCASH) and Smart Money, which allow Filipinos to transfer money to relatives and pay their bills.

Mobile phones are also being used in unique ways, such as GPS-enabled mobile phones, to receive traffic data and dispatch information in Cebu City in the country’s Visayas region. This is a big help for many taxi drivers in a growing metropolis like Cebu.

“Mobile communications offer major opportunities to advance human and economic development—from providing basic access to health information to making cash payments, spurring job creation and stimulating citizen involvement in democratic processes,” World Bank Vice President for Sustainable Development Rachel Kyte said in a statement.

“The challenge now is to enable people, businesses and governments in developing countries to develop their own locally relevant mobile applications so they can take full advantage of these opportunities,” he added.

The World Bank said the number of mobile subscriptions in use worldwide, both prepaid and postpaid, has grown from fewer than 1 billion in 2000 to over 6 billion now, of which nearly 5 billion are in developing countries. The ownership of multiple subscriptions is also becoming common and suggests that their numbers could exceed that of the human population.

It added that more than 30 billion mobile applications, or “apps,” were downloaded in 2011. The software extends the capabilities of phones to become mobile wallets, navigational aids or price-comparison tools.

In developing countries, like the Philippines, citizens are increasingly using mobile phones to create new livelihoods and enhance their lifestyles, while governments are using them to improve service delivery and citizen feedback mechanisms.

The World Bank report analyzed the growth and evolution of mobile telephony and the rise of database services, including apps, delivered to handheld devices. The report explored the consequences for development of the emerging “app economy,” especially in agriculture, health, financial services and government, and how it is changing approaches to entrepreneurship and employment. -Abs-Cbn News (July 18, 2012 7:05AM) via Black Pearl Inc

Sunday, July 15, 2012

How to Choose Necktie

The necktie is the focal point for men’s fashion and it’s not a purchase to be made hastily. Your tie is one of the first things people will see and remember about you. This is where you can express your personality and show your good taste. As with all things you should keep it simple and don’t get too complicated with your tie selections. To make a positive lasting impression, it is important that your tie coordinates well with your outfit and complements your coloration.

The basic tip I can give is to wear a white shirt with a dark tie, it will always look good.

Here are some tips I have compiled to help you choose what tie to wear:

Classic is always in style. When going for a job interview, attending a wedding or any other formal event a simple dark tie with either a solid color or small pattern will work.

If you’re wearing your long sleeves and coat or suit, the rule of thumb is to combine two patterns with one solid. In other words, if the tie is patterned and the suit or sport coat is patterned then the long sleeve should be in a solid color, or if the suit or sport coat is patterned and the shirt is patterned then the tie should be a solid.

If you want to match it with a Striped, Checked or Plaid, then wear a solid colored tie with a striped, checked or plaid dress long sleeves. The trick here is to select a tie color that matches the dominant color of the stripes or checks in the long sleeves.

Color selection. This is a hard one for most guys. Every year brings with it a new “hot” set of colors for neckties. The best way to handle this se++lection is to bring your long sleeves to the store and match them up with the ties you’re interested in to see if they work together.

Fat or thin? A simple rule of thumb is that your tie should be no wider than the widest part of the lapel on your suit jacket. The knot should also be in proportion.

Don’t pay cash for flash. Stay away from loud, flamboyant ties. If you must wear a tie that reflects your interests, passions or affiliations try one that is understated.

The fabric of our ties. When in doubt go for a silk tie. Whatever tie material you choose always make sure that it knots properly (dimple in the knot) without sharp corners or edges.

The Do’s and Dont’s
Do choose a tie that is the right length in proportion to your height. If you are 64 or taller or have a neck size over 20 and a long torso, you will look best in an extra long tie. The general rule is that the tip of your tie should extend ½ past your belt line.

Do choose a good quality tie made of 100% Silk. The luster of silk and the brilliance of how it takes dye, will give you a polished appearance and the tie will last much longer.

Do wear a tie appropriate for the occasion. Novelty ties may be cute and fun, but they are a big "no-no" on a job interview. Trendy ties are great if you are in a creative line of work and if you know how to coordinate them with your outfits. Classic patterns and traditional ties are always appropriate for all occasions and will give you a professional and polished appearance.

Don't wear a tie with pulls or stains. Always make sure your tie is stain free and not tattered or worn looking.

Don't wear clip-on ties. Clip-on ties are considered cheap and unsophisticated. (That is, unless you are a police officer or in law enforcement, where a tie around your neck could cost you your life.)

Don't tie a Windsor knot if you are wearing a traditional or button-down collar. The tie knot will be too big. You are better tying a standard four-in-hand tie knot. Windsor knots are better suited for a wide spread collar.

Easy way to tie

Friday, July 13, 2012

What’s your weekend movie?

After a long week at work, I think it’s better to treat ourselves a good movie this weekend. Having a good line up of films showing now in theaters, I might be spending a whole day in the movie house!

As I search for the latest movie in theaters today these are what I have found:

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter
Synopsis: The sixteenth president of the United States discovers a vampiric plot to take over the nation. He takes it upon himself to keep that from happening.

The Amazing Spider-Man
Synopsis: A teenage superhero armed with the proportionate strength and agility of a spider investigates the mysterious disappearance of his parents. This leads him to the doorstep of a brilliant scientist who accidentally becomes a monster that terrorizes New York City.

Magic Mike
Synopsis: Set in the world of male strippers, "Magic Mike" is directed by Steven Soderbergh and stars Channing Tatum ("Dear John," "Step Up") in a story inspired by his real life. The film follows Mike (Tatum) as he takes a young dancer called The Kid (Pettyfer) under his wing and schools him in the fine arts of partying, picking up women, and making easy money.

Ice Age 4: Continental Drift
Synopsis: A group of prehistoric animals are set adrift when the continents start break apart. They try to get back to their loved ones, traveling on an iceberg, fending off pirates and other terrors of the sea.

Act of Valor
Synopsis: A team of Navy SEALs rescue a captured CIA operative and uncover a terrorist plot against the United States. The SEALs trek around the world, chasing leads as they attempt to take down a humongous terrorist operation.

I've already watched Abraham Lincoln and The Amazing Spider Man last weekend, both movies were great but I was really impressed with Abraham’s plot. 

So this weekend it’s down to the Magic Mike (sexy / comedy) or Ice Age (adventure / animation)  and the Act of Valor (action / adventure)
Watch their trailers:
Magic Mike

Ice Age 4

Act of Valor

Always make that every weekend you go out, enjoy your rest days with friends, family and love ones so that when you get back to work you're not stress. Watch movies, go out of town or just do something at home to relax. I will post some articles about what you can do or tips to spend your rest days soon.

 You can leave your comments 
or you can send your feedbacks to:

Internet all you can

Who says Makati isn't the most modern city in the Philippines? Introducing free WIFI to everyone!

Yes from July 12, Makati government will install WIFI routers to its two barangays and eventually to all barangays covered by the City.

Finally making the first wireless city in the country. How cool is that? Well in other countries WIFI or internet connections are free. I remembered my cousin from Maryland, USA who went here looking for WIFI access when we were in a coffee shop. I told her that we have to pay 100.00 per hour before we could use the internet. She was a bit surprised that we have to pay unlike in her city they can access it for free.

We have some establishments here in the metro, where they offer free WIFI, some are accessible some are just what they call "maka-free WIFI kunyare" but then again having a full city WIFI Zone, it's not bad enough.

Now, corporate workers, yuppies even normal citizens can now access internet through their laptops and mobile phones and other gadgets! They don't have to pay that much for internet service and they can easily access their emails and be updated anytime via internet.

Good job Makati!

In relation to that, the city government also launched their new traffic twitter account @makatitraffic for real time updates of Makati area traffic situations.

Now all Makati citizens, workers can be called Makati Netizens.

This is truly a manifestation of a growing, improving city. On behalf of the Makati citizens and workers, mr. Office Guy congratulate and thank you Makati City Government!

You can leave your comments
or you can send your feedbacks to:

Where the yuppies at?

The Metro (Manila) as all we know is very congested in terms of area, population even in pollution. It is the capital of the Philippines where all the business centers are located. Everyone especially the young ones try to fit in, live here, find work and spend most of their lives conquering into this jungle city. Recently there has been a study that there are also other part of the country where the young generation can also consider as "livable cities".

For the mid-level, upwardly mobile yuppies, the ideal cities should offer the quality of life that enhances the following: uncongested spaces, with the right balance of greens/fresh air and cosmopolitan lifestyle); job opportunities; peace and order; proximity to business contacts, malls, cultural places, theaters, meetings for intellectual discourse, and hospitals. These are according to property experts Enrique Soriano, Ateneo program director for real estate and senior adviser for Wong+Bernstein Business Advisory, David Leechiu, country head of Jones Lang LaSalle Leechiu, Lui Matti, executive director for asset services, CB Richard Ellis Philippines, and Claro dG Cordero Jr., Jones Lang LaSalle Leechiu’s head of research, consulting and valuation.

So, given these conditions, what are these most "livable" cities for the young generation? Here they are, in no particular order:

Cebu (Metro Cebu)
The “Queen City of the South” is Soriano and Matti’s top pick, and Cordero’s fifth. They explain that in Metro Cebu, the investments and opportunities are pouring in due to its strategic location. Cordero said that “similar to Davao, the masterplanning should be significantly improved to ensure sustainable and efficient growth of various systems (infrastructure, crime prevention and ability to service the basic needs in the long run).”
Matti picked Cebu as a serious option (for young professionals like him to settle into). He described Cebu as “cosmopolitan enough to be interesting for someone from a big city, with a booming local economy, and thus, plenty of job options. The cost of living seems to be lower than in Manila, as well. Traffic is an issue, but still better than in Metro Manila.”
He added that Cebu is also a good jumping point to other places of interest like Iloilo, Bohol and Cagayan de Oro. “The international airport is also a plus. They also have good schools and nearby beaches.”

Taguig (particularly Bonifacio Global City)
Taguig, and in particular BGC, is Soriano’s third pick, while BGC is Leechiu’s top choice. Leechiu said BGC is a prime example of an ideal district. He said that in BGC, “you have everything one needs, full of symmetry and balance of developments, and culture; backed up by strong infrastructure and strong policies and strong owners.” BGC, he said, has the following qualities: the city chic, new buildings, sporty lifestyle and an international community.
BGC is Cordero’s second pick due to its “world-class design for infrastructure (controlled development density, underground facilities, transportation and sustainable designs and practices (i.e., recycling of non-potable water, presence of advanced sewage systems).”

The city that is home to the financial heart and soul of the Philippines is Cordero’s top pick, mainly for being the “traditional business district where most businesses thrive and mature property developments are located.”
Makati is Soriano’s seventh, and Leechiu’s fourth. “Yes, it’s severely congested today, but gradually that should improve as Ayala Land puts more infrastructure in place. My hope is that Makati and BGC is integrated as one district. This will require a lot of effort and resources, but this is the inevitable direction,” Leechiu said.
“Makati’s congestion is being solved with more infrastructure projects in the pipeline, such as walkways, bus transits and more parks opening. Legaspi Village has been left behind but now there is an effort for old buildings to give way to new ones. Macea-Ayala needs to invest more in making Legaspi Village more pedestrian-friendly and open up more areas for parks and trees, such as replicating what they did in Greenbelt-Glorietta to the rest of Legaspi Village and Makati,” Leechiu added.

Muntinlupa (particularly Alabang Business District)
Muntinlupa is Soriano’s second most ideal location, and Leechiu’s third, mainly because of the Alabang Business District. Leechiu said: “Combining the Madrigal Business Park, Ayala Alabang, and Filinvest Corporate City, this really was the first live-work-play concept put to action.” He added that the Alabang district has been around for about 25 years and truly brings people from all walks of life and integrates them successfully.
Leechiu added that the plus points for Alabang are: Property values are the cheapest, and present the best value for money. It also has the highest ratio of open spaces to developed land with its various parks and convention areas. The air is cleaner and the location has the most greenery (plants and trees).

Clark Special Economic Zone
Though not a city, CSEZ, according to Soriano, deserves special mention and thus takes his sixth spot. Matti and Cordero also names Clark their third. The latter particularly specified the Clark-Subic corridor mainly for “the availability of developable land, as well as superior level of infrastructure links (air, land and water transport).”

Santa Rosa, Laguna
Not just a place for “enchantment,” Santa Rosa is making a name for itself as the Lion City of South Luzon, and has become top of mind among investors, as it plays host to the thriving Laguna Technopark and other satellite cities and posh subdivisions. Santa Rosa is Soriano’s fourth most ideal city, and Matti’s sixth.
Tagaytay City
Twenty minutes upland of Santa Rosa is the popular summer destination of Tagaytay, where Soriano said he would someday want to relocate to. “Tagaytay represents all the key quality of life elements, from lifestyle to wellness and access to arts and culture, medical services, and world-class education in Sta. Rosa, its next-door city.”
Davao City
Davao City is Soriano’s fifth, Matti’s second, and Cordero’s fourth. Their reason: “The relatively secure environment has been attracting investors to the city (although major infrastructure programs should be implemented in the soonest possible time to address concerns such as traffic and excessive flooding).”
Pasay (particularly Bay City)
Bay City (the centerpiece of which is the SM Mall of Asia) is Leechiu’s second pick. The SM MOA–Bay City, he said, is the “ultimate success story of a district that started with nothing but a dream, and now is the next fastest growing district in the Philippines; having not just office and retail and residential, but massive events venues to showcase the best the country has to offer.”

Other cities mentioned by the analysts were Baguio (Soriano’s sixth, Matti’s fourth) and Iloilo (Soriano’s seventh, and Matti’s fifth).
Much as these aforementioned cities are head and shoulders above their counterparts, Cordero notes “it is still very hard to assess where to settle for good, since these areas still have a wide room for improvement, and each offers unique features that would appeal to my diverse needs.”

After reading this one, I still prefer to live in Quezon City or Makati Area. I don't have any province, though my father said that his(family) side came from Samar and my mother side were from Malabon. I never imagine to live in other cities nor moving outside the metro. Well Metro Manila is Metro Manila, you'll get know the diverse people, it offers a lot of cool place and hang outs for people like me. 
So, what is your ideal, most livable city?

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